Happy July! We’re about 80 days away from Maker Faire Milwaukee, and the Call for Makers is still open for a few more weeks, but don’t delay! Apply now! Makers are great at procrastinating, and often they’ll be like “Oh yeah, I’ve got to sign up…” and then they forget. So we’re here to remind you!

Call for Makers

First time applying? Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have. (Also, make sure you have a photo that represents your exhibit, most first timers get hung up on that one!)

If you’re not ready to apply this year, maybe you know someone who should. Make sure they know the Call for Makers is open, and awaiting more awesome Makers to join us! (While we’re at just 60 approved Makers right now, the applications keep rolling in, but we expect it to be a bit of a hockey stick and go way up at the end, but why wait? Apply today!)