Hi Everyone, 

     Since we wrapped the 2019 Faire, people have continued to reach out to us about whether the Faire would continue. We were not very hopeful, until our friends at Gearbox Labs took on the event a few months ago and contacted us.

     We know that many makers have had time at home to develop their craft or pursue something new. We know that many have had to make hard decisions about their creative work and businesses, too. Things have changed for us as well, but we are getting the band back together as volunteers to plan this year’s Faire. We need you and the stuff you do to help make it a success.

     If you know us, you know we are passionate about redefining education and how we prepare children and young people for the changing world around them. The past year has reminded us how critical education is in shaping our lives and communities, and how important access to the technology and tools revolutionizing education is to economic opportunity and cultural change. Showcasing the impact of the Maker Movement on education – making it more relevant, more equitable, and just more fun – is one of our top priorities this year.

     We also want to celebrate the power of the global maker community to do good. The Forbes 2020 Technology Awards recognized makers as the year’s Most Disruptive Innovators – indeed  for stepping into the COVID-19 crisis to prototype, manufacture and distribute personal protective equipment at the start of the pandemic. The Milwaukee Makerspace, UWM Prototyping Center and other local makers were part of these incredible efforts, and we were thrilled to see Forbes acknowledge the Maker Movement in this way.

     We probably won’t be breaking our attendance record this year, but we want to bring back Maker Faire to share the work of makers in our community and the collaborative, can-do spirit of the Maker Movement. We hope you will join the planning effort or support the Faire in other ways. Reach out to us at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com about ways you can get involved.

     Be well – Carrie, Pete and Stacie

P.S. Gearbox Labs is co-hosting Maker Faire Sheboygan on June 19, 2021. Put that on your calendar, too!