Nerdy Derby

So what exactly is the Nerdy Derby? It’s described as such:

A no-rules miniature car building and racing competition inspired by the Cub Scouts’ Pinewood Derby. With a larger, more undulating track and no restrictions on the size of the cars or materials participants can use, the Nerdy Derby rewards creativity, cleverness and ingenuity.

Our own spin on the Nerdy Derby involves supplying all of the material you’ll need to build a car, and the tools to put it together, as well as decorate it. Hammers, nails, hot glue, glitter, and a team of helpers will help kids (and adults!) built cars all weekend long.

Nerdy Derby Track

Once you’ve built one, you can race it down our track. You’ll also be able to take it home with you, because hey… you made it!

(There is a $2.00 fee per car to cover the cost of materials.)