We’ve been getting a lot of great applications for Maker Faire Milwaukee, but we know some of you need a bit more time, or just plain forgot to apply!

Never fear, we’re here to help, so we’re extending the Call for Makers to September 1st, 2017.

If you’ve been procrastinating, stop doing that… the time is now! Fill out the application, and share what you make with the thousands of people who attend Maker Faire. (And the hundreds of Makers that join us as well.)

Even if your project not 100% finished (hey, what project is ever 100% finished!?) you can bring it and show it to others. You never know what you might learn, or who you might inspire.

But don’t wait too long! Apply to the Call for Makers today!

Call for Makers

(It’s free to exhibit at Maker Faire Milwaukee if you are not selling or promoting a product or service. We want to help you share what you create with the world, but if you are selling or promoting a product or service, there is a fee required.)