We’ve had a few questions about Maker Faire Milwaukee based on the news from Maker Media. We thought we would take a minute to assure you that Maker Faire Milwaukee (September 13-15, 2019) will continue moving forward as planned.

Here are some of the questions we’ve been getting, and the answers to go along with them. If you need further details, please contact us at makers@makerfairemilwaukee.com

Who is Maker Media, and what do they have to do with Maker Faires?

Maker Media published MAKE: magazine and created Maker Faire. They produced two Maker Faire events, San Francisco and New York, and they licensed the name to hundreds of community organizers around the world who produce more than 200 independent Maker Faire events.

In Wisconsin, Milwaukee hosts the largest free attendance Maker Faire held in North America. It’s known as a “Featured Faire” and will celebrate it’s sixth year in 2019. Wisconsin has also had a number of “Mini Maker Faires” in Madison, Elkhorn, Pleasant Prairie, and Sheboygan.

The production teams for these events license the trademarked Maker Faire name from Maker Media. There is brand recognition in the name and in the Maker Movement, and there is a collaboration between the organizations who run them.

Hang on, I still don’t know what a Maker Faire is. Can you explain?

Maker Faire events are an opportunity for curious people who enjoy learning to see what others in the community are working on. It’s a marketplace of ideas and experiments, where makers can show off their passion projects, hobbies, and more.

Maker Faire Milwaukee is a three-day event, and typically sees attendance over 30,000 for the weekend to view the work of over 250 makers and exhibitors.

So the event is going on as planned?

Yes! We’re less than 100 days out from Maker Faire Milwaukee, and our Call for Makers is open, and you can now register and get tickets for the event. (Tickets are free, but there are paid options as well if you wish to help support our mission.)

We love the Maker Media organization and the team that worked there. They helped us get Maker Faire Milwaukee started, and they offered an incredible amount of help and advice to make it a better event year after year.

We need community support more than ever. Now is the perfect time to get involved if you want to continue Maker Faire in your local community.

Who runs Maker Faire Milwaukee?

Maker Faire Milwaukee is produced by Betty Brinn Children’s Museum as part of their Maker Initiatives program. We also collaborate with Milwaukee Makerspace to host the event. We’ve done this for five years, and we’re excited to continue into the sixth year and beyond.

If you’re interested in getting in touch with us or any of the Maker Faire Milwaukee organizers, let us know at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com

How can I help?

Thank you! Tell your friends! Invite your neighbors! Yell from the rooftops! But only during the day, please.

Maker Faire Milwaukee is September 13th, 14th, and 15th. If you want to exhibit, volunteer, or attend, please sign up for future news through our email updates.

Also, we are always looking for sponsors to help support the Faire.