Maker and Exhibitor Load-In Schedule Form

The form below will allow you to schedule a load-in time, and let us know other details of your exhibit. With over 200 exhibits and even more people to manage, scheduling a specific time, and sharing any special needs with us, is essential.

Maker and Exhibitor Load In Schedule and Information

  • You will find this information in the subject line of your Call for Makers acceptance email. If you have more than one exhibit, please complete a separate form for each project/entry ID.
  • Please provide the full name of the person responsible for - and attending - load in.
  • Please provide the email address we should send scheduling information, confirmation and questions to if required.
  • Booths come with one table and two chairs, but supply is limited! If at all possible we recommend bringing your own tables and chairs.
  • You can load in for setup any of the days/times listed below, but with more than 100 people and projects joining us for the weekend, letting us know when you plan to load in would be helpful.
  • Tell us about the access and time you will need to load in.
  • Will you need a cart, pallet jack, forklift or other equipment to load in your exhibit and supplies?
  • No cars will be allowed to drive to the loading doors until 5:20 pm on Sunday. If you can carry or cart your exhibit to your vehicle we do encourage it to avoid long vehicle lines for load out.
  • If you've made special arrangements, please make note of them here. Do not use this form for time-sensitive questions. Email us at if you have an urgent need or a question not related to load-in. Thanks!