Maker Faire Milwaukee will once again be holding a special program for educators during the event. On Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 from 9am to 4pm we will be hosting the Making in Education Conference, which will highlight educators already featuring making in their classroom, as well as experts from related fields sharing their knowledge about making and how it ties into education.

If you’re an educator who wants to learn about makerspaces, standards-based maker projects, the impact of making on student achievement, the tools and technology needed for a space, as well as other topics, registration is open now.

If you’re an educator who has already added making to their classroom, our Call for Proposals is open, and we’d love to help you share your knowledge and connect with fellow educators.

The Betty Brinn Children’s Museum and Learn Deep will co-host this special program, and we’re grateful to Rockwell Automation for sponsoring the Making in Education Conference.