Chris F Headshot Proofs 011

Tell us about yourself?
I’m the Artistic Director of In Tandem Theatre.

What are you presenting at Maker Faire Milwaukee?
Our Production Manager and Administrative Intern will be displaying various aspects of production, including set design and construction and lighting design. We will have some theatrical lighting instruments along with a controller.


Scale model for In Tandem’s fall show, The Glass Menagerie.

Why is making important to you?
I’ve always been interested in how things are constructed. In the theatre, my focus is figuring out how plays are put together so I can present them effectively; but I also have a strong interest in how all the elements of production go together to make a theatrical experience.

What was the first thing you remember making?
I think I may have been in kindergarten. We got a bunch of old crayons and cut them up with scissors. Then we placed them randomly between two sheets of wax paper, and the teacher ironed them, melting the crayons. So the first thing I remember making was apiece of abstract art. It blew my five year old mind.

What have you made that you are most proud of?
Aside from my marriage, it’s In Tandem Theatre. We’ve been making it in four dimensions for the last sixteen years, and it’s not done yet. And within that framework, we continue to make an open space in people’s heads for stories to fill. I’m really lucky to have such a great and important job.

Given an unlimited budget, what would you make?
The first theatre on Mars.