
Tell us about yourself.
I am an artist and crafter. I’ve been drawing and painting since I could hold a pencil and paintbrush. I am experienced in a multitude of art media. My favorite creative things to do are painting and jewelry work. I don’t have a store or sell at fairs but I do have some public albums on Facebook showing things I’ve made and am willing to take special orders for. I am all over social media and can be found under Kathryn Hughett.

What are you presenting at Maker Faire Milwaukee?
I will be doing face painting near the Dark Arts area using UV reactive face paints.

Why is making important to you?
In order to BE I have to Make.

What was the first thing you remember making?
Mud pies at the age of two.

Bee Skep

What have you made that you are most proud of?
So many things that I can’t possibly pick out one. I made a beautiful Star of David pendant for a friend out of copper, sterling silver, and brass. I made a card box for my nephew’s wedding that looks like a bee skep. It turned out so beautifully.

Given an unlimited budget, what would you make?
My dream is to paint a wall mural in in someone’s home, something large and colorful with giant flowers.