Kevin Schlei & Becky Yoshikane

Tell us about yourself.
Kevin: I create new electronic musical instruments for tablets, phones, and laptops. In 2010 I started developing apps for iOS devices under the name Bit Shape. I like biking around Milwaukee.
Becky: I am a recent graduate from UWM with a BFA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Technology. I focus on using technology as a medium for making art in the Milwaukee community. I have been working with Kevin on different creative coding projects for the last few years. I like gardening and adventuring.

What are you presenting at Maker Faire Milwaukee?
‘the things of shapes’ is an interactive audio / video installation where 3D graphics react to an electronic soundtrack. We created a graphics engine that produces sound, used that engine to create the music, and then made the graphics react to the music. Participants will be able to control the visuals using a motion sensor.

What inspires you to make?
Kevin: I get a thrill creating instruments that people use in their own work, especially tools they haven’t seen before. For me, using new tools helps open up different pathways of creativity, and I hope my users get the same benefit.
Becky: Boredom.

Kevin Schlei & Becky Yoshikane

Why do you consider yourself a Maker?
Becky: I consider myself a Maker because the name is based on a verb. Unlike ‘Artist’ or ‘Musician’ which are statuses or positions, ‘Maker’ is still seen as an action. I want to be known for my work and actions not the status that goes with it.

What tips or advice would you give to someone who wants to become a Maker?Kevin: Your next project should always be slightly outside of your skill range.
Becky: Everyone has to start somewhere; a rocket scientist wasn’t born a rocket scientist. You can always change who you are and what you know.

Tell us about one of your failed projects.
Kevin: Every time I build and run my code it’s a failure. There are bugs, it’s not designed right, or I see improvements to make. I’m a failure-driven developer.

Kevin Schlei & Becky Yoshikane

If you could make one thing that would improve the world, what would it be?
Becky: An education program that shows people that there is no subject that is superior over another and focuses on teaching rather than equipment or tests.