Robert Burns

Tell us about yourself.
I’m an artist and explorer living in Milwaukee, WI. Most of my exploring takes place underground where I shoot photos for

What are you presenting at Maker Faire Milwaukee?
This is my first Maker Faire and I’m showing a device called a “Pixelator” in the Dark Arts area that is all about animated grid of light. It’s very compelling to watch. Also, I will be showing a series of brand new Mad Max Lego projects that I’m really happy with.


Why is making important to you?
Making has always been at the center of my world. It’s hard to picture myself not being in the middle of a bunch of builds. The process of planning and problem solving is what I’m all about.

What was the first thing you remember making?
In the fifth grade I created a very very dangerous lighted bookmark with no supervision. The thing plugged into the wall, yikes!

Mad Max

What have you made that you are most proud of?
A piece of art called Have Goals.

Given an unlimited budget, what would you make?
Unlimited? I would endeavor to make things better for everyone, somehow. Let’s work out the details on the way!