The applications keep rolling in, and we’ve now got over 150 Makers! Check out the list! If you know a maker, someone who creates things with wood, metal, plastic, paper, or other materials, is a crafter, artist, scientist, engineer, inventor, or just loves to share the things they create, let them know our Call for Makers is still open! (Not sure you’d fit in at Maker Faire, get in touch at and we’ll help you decide.)

Call for Makers

If you’re not quite ready to join us as a Maker, maybe you’d like to help make the Faire happen. If you’re interested in finding out more, join us for the next Maker Faire Milwaukee Planning Meeting, happening on August 23rd, 2018 at Brinn Labs.

And if you just want to attend the Faire, that’s great too! Tickets are now available at a variety of supporting levels (including totally free.)

Get Your Tickets