While Maker Faire Milwaukee is a free event, it doesn’t have to be. What we mean is, you are welcome to attend the event and gain entrance at no cost, but if you’ve got the means to help support Maker Faire Milwaukee financially, we’ll love you for it, as it really does help us continue each year, and when you’re willing to contribute by purchasing a ticket, it means others who cannot afford tickets can still attend. Pretty awesome, right!?

So here’s a brief rundown of the various ticket types.

Free Ticket – Costs you nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. We do ask you to register though, because we have a variety of hands-on activities that you’ll want to take part in, and registering means you’ve agreed to our liability waiver.

Supporter Ticket at $10.00 – If ten bucks sounds reasonable for a ticket to one of the largest Maker Faires in North America, please buy one. (We’ll even throw in a Maker Faire Milwaukee button and sticker for you!)

Booster Ticket at $60.00 – Step up and boost your support! Obviously you love the Faire, and we thank you for that! We’ll provide you with a limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirt.

VIP Ticket at $100.00 – You really love Maker Faire Milwaukee, and we really appreciate it! We’ll reward you with two limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirts, and everything else that comes with being a VIP. We’ve also got a “Family Edition” VIP ticket which gets you two workshop passes for the Faire and two passes to the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. Thanks!

Finally, if none of those amounts appeal to you (or you don’t want or need any reward) you can choose to make a donation when you get your tickets. Note that your donation is tax deductible. Help support Maker Faire Milwaukee with any amount.

Once you decide what tickets you want, get them before the Faire! Seriously, you’ll want to get your tickets before you come, so you can skip the long lines by going straight to the short “Pre-Registered” line. You can opt to print your tickets out at home, or save paper and just store them on your phone. Either way, we highly recommend you get your tickets now.

Get Your Tickets