Adam and guest battle with magnets

Tell us about yourself?
I am a physicist and maker, one of the very first members of Milwaukee Makerspace. I think microcontrollers are the coolest thing ever, I can’t believe that they can fit an entire system on such a small piece of silicon for only a few bucks! I prefer to make and fix things than buy them and throw them away. The challenge of making is its own reward.

What are you showing at the Maker Faire?
I have invented a brand new gaming system that uses magnets as an alternative to laser tag. I call it MagneTag. Players wear magnetic field sensors, and then battle your friends with foam swords/darts embedded with strong rare earth magnets. Its a blast! (more…)

Brandt Making flowchartNew to making? Rest assured, everyone can be a maker. Check it: this flow chart breaks it down to a few simple steps, thanks to Brant Holeman, president of Milwaukee Makerspace in the Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee.

Makerspaces – also known as hackerspaces – are popping up all over the country. They’re community centers where people come together to share their skills, knowledge, tools and passion for learning and making in a social and collaborative setting.  Makerspace members often describe themselves as “skill collectors” – people who to love to “collect” new techniques for making, hacking and fixing.

Milwaukee Makerspace’s Power Racing Series team proudly returned to Milwaukee from the Maker Faire KC competition last weekend with two medals and tons of ideas for September’s Maker Faire Milwaukee!
“What is Power Racing?” you are wondering. It’s the only sub-$500 electric vehicle racing series that features grown-ups driving kids cars. People make their own tiny electric cars, and then they race them! So, it’s basically the best thing ever.
The first 30-lap race featured (more…)

The first-ever White House Maker Faire will be held on Wednesday, June 18, and that day has been designated as a nationwide “Day of Making.” It seemed like a good time to make our plans for Milwaukee’s first Maker Faire official, too! Maker Faire Milwaukee will be held on September 27-28 at Wisconsin State Fair Park, on the same weekend as Harvest Fair. Admission is free. Maker Faire Milwaukee’s Call for Makers is now open.  If you are a maker, commercial maker (selling awesome stuff you made), power wheels contestant, potential speaker/presenter, or are interested in leading a workshop, please click here to fill out the Call for Makers form. #MKEMakerFaire #NationOfMakers