Top 20 Categories

If you submitted something to the Call for Makers (which closes this week, incidentally) you were asked to chose the categories that best describe your exhibit/project. There’s a list of about 30 categories, and the ability for a maker to write in their own category by choosing “other”.

In the graphic above you can see the top 20 chosen categories by our makers, and how many makers chose each category. Many makers are also artists, so it’s no surprise Art came in as the number one choice. Handmade, Craft, Education, and Electronics round out the top five.

It was also great to see Makerspace/Hackerspace chosen by 21 makers. We’ve seen a few out-of-state groups sign up and choose Makerspace/Hackerspace, which is pretty exciting, as we see more and more of these creative spaces pop up around the Midwest, and the whole country.

To find out more about what you’ll see, check out the list of 2016 Makers, and for an in-depth view, read some of our Meet the Makers blog posts.

Top 20 Categories