
Frankie Flood

What originally started out as a couple of guys who created a 3D printed hand to help one child in need has grown into a global Community of tinkerers, engineers, 3D print enthusiasts, occupational therapists, university professors, designers, parents, families, artists, students, teachers and people who just want to make a difference, who are creating hands for people in need and sharing their designs with the world for free.

They are coming together to create, innovate, re-design and give a “helping hand” to those that need it – whether it is helping to print parts for them, creating a completed device for them or simply helping to guide them as they build one themselves.

There are people around the globe – 3d printing fingers and hands for children they will never meet, classes of high school students who are making hands for children in their local communities, a group of people that are risking their lives to get these devices onto people in developing countries and new stories every day of parents working with their children to make a hand together.

The seed was planted and the tree is branching out, growing and becoming more beautiful than ever imagined!

Come see some of the hands created at UW-Milwaukee at the Maker Faire!


Frankie Flood


Frankie Flood

Frankie Flood

Frankie Flood