
Tom Gralewicz from Milwaukee Makerspace has been leading the charge to build a GIANT CLOCK for Maker Faire Milwaukee. Shane helped with the animation to explain what it will look like, and other members have pitched in with the building of the various pieces.

Below are a few in-progress shots of the progress so far…

Clock Parts

Electronic components, including an Arduino, and a motor controller. (Tom is pretty excited about the controller and has a plan to use the for other projects in the future.)

Clock Parts

Motors and a few other parts were donated from our friends at American Science & Surplus.

Clock Parts

Tom created a custom circuit board using a laser cutter to prepare the board for etching. It uses a number of optical sensors to tell where clock pieces are.

Clock Parts

Here’s the inside view of one of the clock movements…

Clock Parts

…with the cover in place.

Clock Parts

And here’s one of the large segments. There will be eight of these in total.

Clock Parts

And here’s Tom (at 6’3″) standing next to the skeleton of one segment stack of the clock.

Check out the videos of the platform moving and the sensor board sensing!

Want more? Check out the next installment: It’s almost time…