Friday Night is alright for Making! But that doesn’t mean we’ll be making on Friday night… You may have noticed that Maker Faire Milwaukee is September 28th, 29th, and 30th this year. That’s three days; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but we won’t be going full throttle on Friday night.

The majority of Maker Faire Milwaukee will still take place on Saturday and Sunday, but we’re including Friday in our event date for a few reasons.

Field Trip Friday – We’ve been doing field trips for elementary, middle and high-school students during the day on Friday for the past few years. While this isn’t open to the public, it is an important part of our Maker Education Program.

Friday Night Market – New this year is an opportunity for Commercial Makers to sell the things they make from 5pm to 9pm on Friday. You may have noticed that Harvest Fair happens on Friday night while we are busy finishing the setup for Maker Faire. We wanted to extend the selling hours for Commercial Makers and offer them a new audience—the Harvest Fair attendees, and other makers. Note that the Friday Night Market is completely optional and only for Commercial Makers. The rest of us will be busing setting up our exhibits!

Industry, College & Career Exchange – For our inaugural Exchange we’ll be providing an opportunity for students, young talents, job-seekers and makers to explore career paths, education and work opportunities related to making and the critical STEAM fields. The Exchange will be happening on Friday as part of Field Trip Friday, as well as throughout the weekend.

So that’s the plan for Friday at Maker Faire Milwaukee. If you are not a Commercial Maker, not part of Field Trip Friday, and not involved in the Industry, College & Career Exchange, it’s business as usual. We’ll be doing setup Friday night, and preparing for Saturday morning’s opening at 10am. We’ll see you then!