As mentioned last time, kids (and adults) love to draw and color, and one of the activities we did at Betty Brinn’s Be A Maker space involved asking kids to draw what they wanted to see at Maker Faire Milwaukee this year. They came up with some interesting ideas, so we’ve selected a few of our favorites and we’ll share them with you in this post. (Maker Faire is all about sharing, right?)

Super Heros, eh? Sometimes super heroes are people in costumes, and yes, we will have people in costumes! Be sure to check out Laughing Rat Cosplay, Shaman Cosplay, CMLeahy Designs, and others!

So you want to see blimps at Maker Faire Milwaukee? We’ve been working on a secret project that involves blimps at Maker Faire Milwaukee. Obviously someone let it slip that we’ll have blimps at Maker Faire Milwaukee. So yes, there’s a good chance you’ll see blimps at Maker Faire Milwaukee.

As we mentioned last time, there will definitely be robots. We’ve got the SE Wisconsin R2 Builders, and while R2-D2 is a droid, we’re going to let that slide. We’ve also got Columbia Gadget Works with their “cardboard fighting robots”… And what are “cardboard fighting robots”? Well, you’ll find out at Maker Faire Milwaukee. If you like art more than you like fighting, maybe Lee Bots is more your style, with robot sculptures that are handcrafted from discarded electronics.

We’ve got the Milwaukee Association of Radio Control Clubs and they’ll have model boats, and some might be sailboats! If you want a larger sailboat, you’re in luck! This year we’ve got LOY, which is an 18 1/2 foot sailboat with two sails in a balanced lug yawl rig and an 18 foot tall mast! LOY has been a project-in-progress at Milwaukee Makerspace for the past five years, so it’s beyond exciting that it’ll be moving out of the building, into the water, and then joining us at Maker Faire.

Well, there are no submarines yet, though at least one member of Milwaukee Makerspace has proposed building a submarine, so maybe next time? We will have underwater remotely operated vehicles from South Milwaukee High School and the MATEROV from SFROBOTICS and those are submersible, so I think that counts.

This one doesn’t have a title, and we’ve discussed it with the team, and no one is quite sure what it is. Nonetheless, I hope we see this at the Faire. Maybe you’ll want to make it and bring it along?

Besides all these awesome things, what we really want to see at the Faire is you! We want to see everyone at Maker Faire Milwaukee, along with their family, and friends, and super heroes, and sailboats. Make sure you pre-register for tickets so we can see you at State Fair Park on September 23rd & 24th, 2017!