We’ve passed the 225 mark and we’ll probably see a few more Makers added before the Faire, and the list is pretty awesome! Don’t forget to get in touch with us at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com if you have questions about joining us.

Makers, tell your friends to join us and check out the amazing things you make! Let them know they should get tickets for Maker Faire. We can’t stress this enough. Tickets are free, and they are required to gain entrance to the event. Save yourself a lot of time and skip the long registration lines (and make thing easier for our crew & volunteers) by getting tickets ahead of time.

Get Your Tickets

While you already know we’ve got Makers, we’ve also got (the start) of a schedule. Maker Faire can seem pretty free-form, and you can just wander around and see Makers showing off their amazing creations, but we’ve also got a number of talks, performances, and scheduled events. Looking for a specific workshop or demo? Check the schedule. Want to know when Rook the Knight will fight the Tesla Coils? Check the schedule. Want to know when the 75 minute Enduro for the Power Racing Series is? Check the schedule!

We’re not 100% locked into the schedule yet, and there will be a few changes in the next week or so, but the web site will be the definitive guide to what is happening when you’re at Maker Faire Milwaukee. We’ll also have some digital signage (and non-digital signage) at the Faire to assist with scheduling in some of the areas. Knowing when things are happening is key to getting the most out of your Maker Faire experience!

Sorry folks, we’re a bit behind! We hit 200 Makers a while back, and we’re creeping up on 225 right now. More Makers = More Awesome! Check out the list! We’re still processing a number applications and if you still want to apply, please do. (No guarantees, but if we can fit you in, we’ll do our best.) As always, if you have question, get in touch at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com

Call for Makers

For the Makers out there, you should be reading the Maker Manual right now (check your email!) as it has all the details you need to take part in the Faire, including deadlines, instructions on load-in, participation of helpers, etc.

For attendees, get your tickets! We can’t stress this enough. Tickets are free, and they are required to gain entrance to the Faire. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and you can skip the long registration lines (and make thing easier for our crew & volunteers) by getting a ticket ahead of time.

Get Your Tickets

The applications keep rolling in, and we’ve now got over 150 Makers! Check out the list! If you know a maker, someone who creates things with wood, metal, plastic, paper, or other materials, is a crafter, artist, scientist, engineer, inventor, or just loves to share the things they create, let them know our Call for Makers is still open! (Not sure you’d fit in at Maker Faire, get in touch at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com and we’ll help you decide.)

Call for Makers

If you’re not quite ready to join us as a Maker, maybe you’d like to help make the Faire happen. If you’re interested in finding out more, join us for the next Maker Faire Milwaukee Planning Meeting, happening on August 23rd, 2018 at Brinn Labs.

And if you just want to attend the Faire, that’s great too! Tickets are now available at a variety of supporting levels (including totally free.)

Get Your Tickets

While Maker Faire Milwaukee is a free event, it doesn’t have to be. What we mean is, you are welcome to attend the event and gain entrance at no cost, but if you’ve got the means to help support Maker Faire Milwaukee financially, we’ll love you for it, as it really does help us continue each year, and when you’re willing to contribute by purchasing a ticket, it means others who cannot afford tickets can still attend. Pretty awesome, right!?

So here’s a brief rundown of the various ticket types.

Free Ticket – Costs you nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. We do ask you to register though, because we have a variety of hands-on activities that you’ll want to take part in, and registering means you’ve agreed to our liability waiver.

Supporter Ticket at $10.00 – If ten bucks sounds reasonable for a ticket to one of the largest Maker Faires in North America, please buy one. (We’ll even throw in a Maker Faire Milwaukee button and sticker for you!)

Booster Ticket at $60.00 – Step up and boost your support! Obviously you love the Faire, and we thank you for that! We’ll provide you with a limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirt.

VIP Ticket at $100.00 – You really love Maker Faire Milwaukee, and we really appreciate it! We’ll reward you with two limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirts, and everything else that comes with being a VIP. We’ve also got a “Family Edition” VIP ticket which gets you two workshop passes for the Faire and two passes to the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. Thanks!

Finally, if none of those amounts appeal to you (or you don’t want or need any reward) you can choose to make a donation when you get your tickets. Note that your donation is tax deductible. Help support Maker Faire Milwaukee with any amount.

Once you decide what tickets you want, get them before the Faire! Seriously, you’ll want to get your tickets before you come, so you can skip the long lines by going straight to the short “Pre-Registered” line. You can opt to print your tickets out at home, or save paper and just store them on your phone. Either way, we highly recommend you get your tickets now.

Get Your Tickets

The BizTimes, well known in Milwaukee for being the leader in business news, has just released STUFF, which is a workforce development publication for young adults. Want to find the companies making cool things in Southeastern Wisconsin? STUFF will clue you in.

We’re also proud to support STUFF through Maker Faire Milwaukee and co-host/partner for the event, Brinn Labs. If you’ve not yet heard of Brinn Labs, it’s the headquarters for Maker Faire Milwaukee and the Maker Initiatives of the Betty Brinn Museum. They work all year long through classes, workshops, and other events with the goal of making more makers.

If you can’t wait for a printed copy of STUFF, make sure you take a look at the online version. It’s filled with local companies doing amazing things, many of which are looking to hire innovators and makers.

(And when you come to Maker Faire, be sure to check out the Industry, Career & College Exchange!)

We love Makers, and we hope you do to! It’s a good thing we love them, because they need gentle reminders about applying to exhibit their amazing work at Maker Faire Milwaukee. We’re just over 100 exhibits so far, and more keep rolling in. If you’ve got something to share, join us!

Call for Makers

Maybe you’ve been working on a project and it’s not quite done.. that’s okay, you can still show it off at the Faire. Share your process with others, show the progress you’ve made, and maybe you’ll even get some advice or encouragement from other makers or attendees. (Making isn’t always a clean process with a defined starting point and stopping point, and that’s okay!)

Not ready to show off the awesome things you make? There are a few other ways to help make the Faire happen. If you’re interested in finding out more, join us for the next Maker Faire Milwaukee Planning Meeting, happening on August 23rd, 2018 at Brinn Labs.

July has come and gone! We’re about 60 days away from Maker Faire Milwaukee, and the Call for Makers continues to get submissions (but it does close soon, so don’t delay… Apply now!)

Call for Makers

If this is your first time applying please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have. (Pro-tip: make sure you have a photo that represents your exhibit, most first timers get hung up on that one!)

If you aren’t quite ready to show off the awesome things you make, we always need volunteers to help run the event. Sign up as a volunteer! We’d love to have you as part of the crew. (You also get a free t-shirt!)

Meanwhile, while you’re waiting patiently for the end of September, check out the growing list of makers so you’ll know who to look for when you’re at the Faire.

Happy July! We’re about 80 days away from Maker Faire Milwaukee, and the Call for Makers is still open for a few more weeks, but don’t delay! Apply now! Makers are great at procrastinating, and often they’ll be like “Oh yeah, I’ve got to sign up…” and then they forget. So we’re here to remind you!

Call for Makers

First time applying? Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have. (Also, make sure you have a photo that represents your exhibit, most first timers get hung up on that one!)

If you’re not ready to apply this year, maybe you know someone who should. Make sure they know the Call for Makers is open, and awaiting more awesome Makers to join us! (While we’re at just 60 approved Makers right now, the applications keep rolling in, but we expect it to be a bit of a hockey stick and go way up at the end, but why wait? Apply today!)

Our Call for Makers has been open for a few weeks now and we’re pleased to see that people are applying already and we’ve got Makers! We know that a lot of makers tend to procrastinate, and some of them have told us they’ll be applying but haven’t even started their project yet for this year’s Faire! If you haven’t applied yet, don’t worry, you’ve got until August 1st, 2018 before the Call for Makers closes (though it may close earlier for Commercial Makers.)

Call for Makers

If it’s your first time applying, feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have. Maybe you’re curious about these Friday hours we’ve mentioned, or want to know more about the Industry, College & Career Exchange. We can answer any questions you might have.

And if you’re not applying, maybe you know someone who should. If so, make sure they know the Call for Makers is open, and awaiting more awesome Makers to join us!

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