While you already know we’ve got Makers, we’ve also got (the start) of a schedule. Maker Faire can seem pretty free-form, and you can just wander around and see Makers showing off their amazing creations, but we’ve also got a number of talks, performances, and scheduled events. Looking for a specific workshop or demo? Check the schedule. Want to know when Rook the Knight will fight the Tesla Coils? Check the schedule. Want to know when the 75 minute Enduro for the Power Racing Series is? Check the schedule!
We’re not 100% locked into the schedule yet, and there will be a few changes in the next week or so, but the web site will be the definitive guide to what is happening when you’re at Maker Faire Milwaukee. We’ll also have some digital signage (and non-digital signage) at the Faire to assist with scheduling in some of the areas. Knowing when things are happening is key to getting the most out of your Maker Faire experience!
Sorry folks, we’re a bit behind! We hit 200 Makers a while back, and we’re creeping up on 225 right now. More Makers = More Awesome! Check out the list! We’re still processing a number applications and if you still want to apply, please do. (No guarantees, but if we can fit you in, we’ll do our best.) As always, if you have question, get in touch at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com
For the Makers out there, you should be reading the Maker Manual right now (check your email!) as it has all the details you need to take part in the Faire, including deadlines, instructions on load-in, participation of helpers, etc.
For attendees, get your tickets! We can’t stress this enough. Tickets are free, and they are required to gain entrance to the Faire. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and you can skip the long registration lines (and make thing easier for our crew & volunteers) by getting a ticket ahead of time.
The applications keep rolling in, and we’ve now got over 150 Makers! Check out the list! If you know a maker, someone who creates things with wood, metal, plastic, paper, or other materials, is a crafter, artist, scientist, engineer, inventor, or just loves to share the things they create, let them know our Call for Makers is still open! (Not sure you’d fit in at Maker Faire, get in touch at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com and we’ll help you decide.)
If you’re not quite ready to join us as a Maker, maybe you’d like to help make the Faire happen. If you’re interested in finding out more, join us for the next Maker Faire Milwaukee Planning Meeting, happening on August 23rd, 2018 at Brinn Labs.
And if you just want to attend the Faire, that’s great too! Tickets are now available at a variety of supporting levels (including totally free.)
While Maker Faire Milwaukee is a free event, it doesn’t have to be. What we mean is, you are welcome to attend the event and gain entrance at no cost, but if you’ve got the means to help support Maker Faire Milwaukee financially, we’ll love you for it, as it really does help us continue each year, and when you’re willing to contribute by purchasing a ticket, it means others who cannot afford tickets can still attend. Pretty awesome, right!?
So here’s a brief rundown of the various ticket types.
Free Ticket – Costs you nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. We do ask you to register though, because we have a variety of hands-on activities that you’ll want to take part in, and registering means you’ve agreed to our liability waiver.
Supporter Ticket at $10.00 – If ten bucks sounds reasonable for a ticket to one of the largest Maker Faires in North America, please buy one. (We’ll even throw in a Maker Faire Milwaukee button and sticker for you!)
Booster Ticket at $60.00 – Step up and boost your support! Obviously you love the Faire, and we thank you for that! We’ll provide you with a limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirt.
VIP Ticket at $100.00 – You really love Maker Faire Milwaukee, and we really appreciate it! We’ll reward you with two limited edition Maker Faire Milwaukee t-shirts, and everything else that comes with being a VIP. We’ve also got a “Family Edition” VIP ticket which gets you two workshop passes for the Faire and two passes to the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. Thanks!
Finally, if none of those amounts appeal to you (or you don’t want or need any reward) you can choose to make a donation when you get your tickets. Note that your donation is tax deductible. Help support Maker Faire Milwaukee with any amount.
Once you decide what tickets you want, get them before the Faire! Seriously, you’ll want to get your tickets before you come, so you can skip the long lines by going straight to the short “Pre-Registered” line. You can opt to print your tickets out at home, or save paper and just store them on your phone. Either way, we highly recommend you get your tickets now.
The BizTimes, well known in Milwaukee for being the leader in business news, has just released STUFF, which is a workforce development publication for young adults. Want to find the companies making cool things in Southeastern Wisconsin? STUFF will clue you in.
We’re also proud to support STUFF through Maker Faire Milwaukee and co-host/partner for the event, Brinn Labs. If you’ve not yet heard of Brinn Labs, it’s the headquarters for Maker Faire Milwaukee and the Maker Initiatives of the Betty Brinn Museum. They work all year long through classes, workshops, and other events with the goal of making more makers.
If you can’t wait for a printed copy of STUFF, make sure you take a look at the online version. It’s filled with local companies doing amazing things, many of which are looking to hire innovators and makers.
(And when you come to Maker Faire, be sure to check out the Industry, Career & College Exchange!)
Friday Night is alright for Making! But that doesn’t mean we’ll be making on Friday night… You may have noticed that Maker Faire Milwaukee is September 28th, 29th, and 30th this year. That’s three days; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but we won’t be going full throttle on Friday night.
The majority of Maker Faire Milwaukee will still take place on Saturday and Sunday, but we’re including Friday in our event date for a few reasons.
Field Trip Friday – We’ve been doing field trips for elementary, middle and high-school students during the day on Friday for the past few years. While this isn’t open to the public, it is an important part of our Maker Education Program.
Friday Night Market – New this year is an opportunity for Commercial Makers to sell the things they make from 5pm to 9pm on Friday. You may have noticed that Harvest Fair happens on Friday night while we are busy finishing the setup for Maker Faire. We wanted to extend the selling hours for Commercial Makers and offer them a new audience—the Harvest Fair attendees, and other makers. Note that the Friday Night Market is completely optional and only for Commercial Makers. The rest of us will be busing setting up our exhibits!
Industry, College & Career Exchange – For our inaugural Exchange we’ll be providing an opportunity for students, young talents, job-seekers and makers to explore career paths, education and work opportunities related to making and the critical STEAM fields. The Exchange will be happening on Friday as part of Field Trip Friday, as well as throughout the weekend.
So that’s the plan for Friday at Maker Faire Milwaukee. If you are not a Commercial Maker, not part of Field Trip Friday, and not involved in the Industry, College & Career Exchange, it’s business as usual. We’ll be doing setup Friday night, and preparing for Saturday morning’s opening at 10am. We’ll see you then!
Hard to believe, but true…our 5th Annual Faire is happening September 28-30, 2018!
We are excited to begin planning for this year’s Faire, and our Planning Group Kick Off Meeting is set for Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 6:30 pm. If you’re interested in helping this year, as a volunteer or as a maker, feel free to join us at Brinn Labs (the location for our 2018 meetings) and find out how you can help.
The Planning Group meets monthly, with smaller groups responsible for certain functions meeting separately, as needed. Please attend the Kick Off meeting if you would like to learn more about volunteering before the event, or about other ways you can support Maker Faire. If you are not able to attend the Kick Off Meeting, please contact us at info@makerfairemilwaukee.com with questions and ideas.
The holidays are coming up fast, and there are plenty of makers in the Milwaukee area are here to fill your need for unique hand-made gifts. In the next few weeks there are a number of events that promote making and supporting our makers means you’ve got a chance to make a maker happy, and make the recipient of a gift happy. Everyone wins!
We’ve got two events coming up on Saturday, November 25th, and Saturday, November 26th, 2017. Milwaukee’s Urban Garage Sale is back again and will be at the Mitchell Park Domes annex building and will bring together 65 talented local vendors, sound providers and foodies to create an alternative holiday shopping experience. Find out more on their Facebook page.
Also on the 25th & 26th is the Milwaukee Makers Market. You’ll find jewelry makers, artists, and designers. Locally-made products include ceramics, women’s clothing, leather goods, candles, and more. Find out more on their Facebook page.
If you plan things right, you’ll have plenty of time to visit both events. Who knows, you might be able to get most of your holiday shopping done in a single weekend!
If you really want an action-packed weekend, our friends at Milwaukee Makerspace are once again hosting their Holiday Make-A-Thon on Friday, November 24th, 2017 where you can get hands-on and make your own gifts. Join them for this free event from 1pm to 5pm and walk away with a laser-cut ornament, a 3D printed mini vase, a dog toy, or your first soldering project!
Finally, the Cream City Creatives will be presenting nearly 50 of Milwaukee’s finest artists and crafters on Saturday, December 16th, 2017 at Turner Hall. Cream City Creatives hopes to represent all of Milwaukee’s neighborhoods, and will offer a diverse and eclectic mixture of handmade creations. They’ll have returning artists as well as first-timers.
We look forward to joining these makers to check out the things they’ve created and support their efforts. We hope you will, too!
Wow, we did it again! And this time we set a World Record!
Let’s have a big round of applause and a huge thanks to all the makers, volunteers, attendees, and Daleks who were able to join us at Maker Faire Milwaukee this year.
This year we had nearly 250 makers and over 100 Daleks join us to make a fantastic Maker Faire!
We hope you had a good time, and that you left the Faire inspired to make something yourself, or to learn a new skill.
From the staff and volunteers at Maker Faire Milwaukee, we thank you for joining us and being a part of this amazing movement.
If you want to be alerted to any maker-related events in the near future, or just want to know about the next Maker Faire before everyone else, sign up for our email list!
If you’ve attended Maker Faire Milwaukee in the past you may have seen a few projects that use an Arduino microcontroller. Or you may have seen things you didn’t even know had an Arduino microcontroller inside of them! The Arduino is an open source electronic prototyping platform that makes it easy to get started with all sorts of projects. They are used in robots, drones, 3D printers, CNC machines, toys, props, museum exhibits, and more!
And right now you’re thinking… “Hey, maybe I should get one of these Arduino things!” Well, we’ve got you covered! Okay, not all of you, but one lucky attendee will win an Arduino Beginner Kit!
What’s the catch? There’s always a catch, right? It’s easy, all you have to do is pre-register for a ticket to Maker Faire Milwaukee. That’s it. One lucky ticket holder will win this DFRobot Beginner Kit for Arduino, valued at $50. So don’t wait, get your ticket before September 23rd, 2017 in order to be eligible!
The kit comes with everything you need to get started and build over a dozen projects. (You will need a computer to program the Arduino, but everything else is in the box.) You’ll be flashing LEDs and controlling a servo in no time!
Don’t waste time standing in line! Pre-register for tickets and you just might win this Arduino kit and kickstart your own adventure in making! GET YOUR TICKETS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 and we’ll see you at Maker Faire Milwaukee on September 23rd & 24th, 2017!